And delicious as well! I definitely didn't finish this at the table, but did finish it for lunch the next day.
I also made it to the mall. I thought I was going to do a little shopping, but the mall reminded up the Greenwood Mall. They had some of the popular stores, but not anything I was interested in. I plan on going back because I need to go buy new shorts for the summer. I also took some random pictures in the mall.
So, there's a puppy place in the mall with some of the cutest dogs. Then I saw this girl who apparently thought you can touch the cages. clearly you can't because of the 2 inch thick window pane. She didn't see the window pane and ran into the class. It would have been cute if it was a little child but this was a grown female. She got to do better. 

I came all the way to Texas hoping to see nothin but Texas and A&M gear. Looks like you can never leave North Carolina behind.
Saw this shirt in a random store and thought it was hilarious.My work shirts! Snazzy I know...
That's all for now. I hope to have more pictures of campus up soon. Until then...
Wear GREEN and GIG'EM!
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