Thursday, May 20, 2010

Oh yeah... We love the Bush

My first official day. I started by waking up crazy early, thinking I was running late because I haven't adjusted to Central Time. I left there and went to the SS Office to request a new card. Once I got back, I had to go to Koldus to finish up my paperwork and then over to Cain, where I met the AOLPs. The AOLPs are the exec team that oversees the OLs. So far, they have taught me a lot since I've been here and I am definitely ready to learn more.

The story behind the title...

While sitting Megan's office talking with her, I asked here how to get to the Business Services Building so I can get my ID. She pointed it out on the map and I started talking to myself about how I was going to get there (and I still got lost...SMH). Anyways, I was talking about George Bush Drive, and all of a sudden, Megan goes, "Oh yeah, we love the Bush." Take it how you will, but I told her it was going on here and here it is!

The rest of the afternoon was filled with laundry and organizing. I also went to dinner at the Dean's house with the staff which was amazing. Then Grey's Anatomy came on. Not going to talk about because you should go watch it right now on Hulu.

Until then, Wear GREEN and GIG'EM!

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